Web Data

Our web data graph contains fresh web browsing data of users across desktop and mobile that indicates search intent, purchase intent and online category interests. This aggregated data feed is delivered as a daily feed via S2S transfer.

What is Web Data?

We offer web activity data of users that are browsing popular websites around the world. This data can be used to analyze web behavior across the web and build highly accurate audience segments based on web activity for targeting ads based on interest categories and search/browsing intent.

Web Data Reach

Our reach data represents the total number of data counts available within various categories and comprises attributes such as Country, Anonymous ID,IP addresses, Search Query and so on.

Record Count: 200 Million
Capturing Frequency: Once per Event
Delivering Frequency: Once per Day
Updated: Monthly
Historic: Past 6 months

Data Export Methodology

Since we collect data dynamically, we provide the most updated data and insights via a best-suited method on a suitable interval (daily/weekly/monthly).

Use Cases

Personalized Targeting

Targeting audiences with data enables deeper personalization and higher engagement rates.

Data Enrichment

Leverage Online to Offline consumer profiles to build holistic audience segments to improve campaign targeting using user data enrichment.

Market Intelligence

Study various market areas, proximity of points or interests and the competitive landscape.

Fraud & Cybersecurity

Use the power of multiple alternative data sources to identify fraudulent behavior across digital channels.


Attribute NameAttribute DescriptionSample
anonymous_idAnonymous ID of the device. Unique ID persistant for a device.a264e175d4b1731a6969dee6f9e692e7
IDTypeGAID/IDFA. GAID for Android devices. IDFA for iOS devicesGAID
timestampTimestamp of the web session event2019-10-01T10:32:48.000Z
estidCookie ID sent to the users device at the start of the web sessionZGgAB109mCMAAAAScB2eAw==
ipIP Address (ipv4/ipv6) of the given device60.49.39.14
userAgentString of data from a user's device that represents data points like OS, browser, carrier, and hardwareMozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 5.1; Lenovo TB3-710I) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/76.0.3809.111 Safari/537.36
browserFamilyBrowser used for the website searchChrome Mobile
deviceTypeType of the device used for the web-search (smartphone,laptop,tablet etc)Smartphone
osDevice Os NameAndroid
url_metadata_canonical_urlCanonical URL of the website visitedhttps://www.amazon.com/dp/b078jhn5nw/ref=sspa_dk_detail_7
url_metadata_raw_query_paramsQuery string parameters passed when fetching the website URLutm_source=fcm&utm_medium=push
refDomainDomain name of the website visitedamazon.com
mappedEventType of event in the website page like page viewed,clicked etcpview
channelChannel from which user arrived at the websitefacebook
searchQueryActual search Query String entered by the userbuy+france+leone+shoes+online
keywordsArray (comma separated) of keywords searched, sorted on sentiment score in descending order[{"keyword_0_text":"auto","keyword_0_score":.87},{"keyword_1_text":"finance","keyword_1_score":.65}]
categoriesArray (comma separated) of categories searched, sorted on sentiment score in descending order[{"category0_text":"internet&_telecom","category_0_score":.92},{"category_1_text":"internet&telecom","category_1_score":.77}]
entitiesArray (comma separated) of entities searched, sorted on sentiment score in descending order[{"entity_0_text":"amazon","entity_0_score":.83},{"entity_1_text":"samsung","entity_1_score":.56}]
conceptsArray (comma separated) of concepts searched, sorted on sentiment score in descending order[{"concept_0_text":"stick","concept_0_score":.81},{"concept_1_text":"iphone","concept_1_score":.62}]
travelled_countriesArray of countries visited by the user in the past 3 months. Values in ISO3 code of countriesTHA, QAT, SAU

Reach Statistics