Output Response
Response Data Structure
The response from the personal data will be provided in the following format
Category | Attribute Name | Description |
Factori | person_id | Factori assigned Person ID of the individual |
General | first_name | First Name |
General | last_name | Surname |
General | gender | Gender Code: M - Male, F - Female |
General | age | Age of the individual |
Date of Birth | year | Year of birth - YYYY |
Date of Birth | month | Month of birth - MM |
Date of Birth | day | Day of birth - DD |
Address | full_address | Full Address (including House Number, Directional, Street Name, etc.) |
Address | city | City Name |
Address | state | State Abbreviation: AL, FL, IL, NY, etc. |
Address | zip | Zip Code: Five digit numbers only, e.g. 60614 |
Address | zip4 | A ZIP+4 Code uses the basic five-digit code plus four additional digits to identify a geographic segment within the five-digit delivery area |
Address | delivery_point_bar_code | The delivery point barcode, or DPBC, is a line of short and tall bars that helps identify a mailing's exact destination. |
Address | carrier_route | A carrier route is a group of mailing addresses within a 5-digit ZIP code that the USPS groups together to make the mail delivery process more efficient. |
Address | walk_sequence_code | Indicates whether a walk sequence code exists or not |
Address | fips_state_code | Federal Information Processing System (FIPS) Codes for State |
Address | fips_county_code | Federal Information Processing System (FIPS) Codes for County |
Address | county_name | County Name |
Address | latitude | Latitude |
Address | longitude | Longitude |
Address | address_type | Address type determines if it is a highrise, business complex, firm or company etc |
Address | metropolitan_statistical_area | A geographic entity based on a county or a group of counties with at least one urbanized area with a population of at least 50,000 |
Address | core_based_statistical_area | Core-based statistical area (CBSA) is a geographic region of the U.S., as defined by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) |
Address | census_tract | Census Tracts are small, relatively permanent statistical subdivisions of a county |
Address | census_block | A census block is the smallest geographic unit used by the United States Census Bureau for tabulation |
Address | census_block_group | A Census Block Group is a geographical unit used by the United States Census Bureau which is between the Census Tract and the Census Block |
Address | primary_address | Primary Address |
Address | pre_address | Pre Address |
Address | street | Street Name or PO Box name, or RR # Box name, or HC # Box name |
Address | post_address | Post Address |
Address | address_suffix | Address Suffix |
Address | address_secondline | Address Second Line |
Address | address_abrev | Address Abbreviation |
Property | census_median_home_value | Census median household value |
Property | home_market_value | Home Market Value |
Property | property_build_year | Property build year |
Property | property_with_ac | Property with AC |
Property | property_with_pool | Property with Pool |
Property | property_with_sewer | Property with Sewer |
Property | property_with_water | Property with water |
Property | general_home_value | General Home Value |
Property | property_fuel_type | Property Fuel Type |
Household | household_id | Household ID |
Household | census_median_household_income | Census Median Household Income (in $) |
Household | household_size | Household Size |
Household | occupation_home_office | Occupation Home or Office |
Household | dwell_type | Dwell Type: Single Family Dwelling Unit, Large multi-family w/o apt number etc |
Household | household_income | Household Income (in $) |
Household | marital_status | Marital Status |
Household | length_of_residence | Length of residence |
Household | number_of_kids | Number of Kids |
Household | pre_school_kids | Number of Pre School Kids |
Household | single_parent | Single Parent |
Household | working_women_in_house_hold | Working women in household |
Household | homeowner | Homeowner: Homeowner, Renter etc |
Household | children | For example: 0_2_Male indicates that there is a male child in between the ages of 0-2 years. |
Household | adults | For example: 75plus_Female indicates that there is an adult in the household above the age of 75. |
Household | generations | Number of generations in the household |
General | net_worth | Net worth of the individual |
Education | education_level | Education level of the individual. For example - Completed High School, Completed College etc |
Education | education_history | History of education |
General | occupation | Occupation of the individual |
General | occupation_business_owner | Occupation Business Owner |
Credit Information | credit_lines | Number of lines of credit |
Credit Information | credit_card_user | Indicates if the individual is a credit card user |
Credit Information | newly_issued_credit_card_user | Indicates if the individual has been issues a new credit card |
Credit Information | credit_range_new | Indicates the new credit range of the individual |
Credit Information | credit_cards | Contains a list types of credit card held by the individual: for example - amex_premium_credit_card_holder, mastercard_premium_credit_card_holder |
Mortgage | loan_to_value | Property Loan to Value Ratio |
Mortgage | mortgage_loan2_amount | Loan amount on second mortgage on the house |
Mortgage | loan_date | Date on which loan was taken |
Mortgage | mortgage_loan_type | Type of lender- Example: Private party lender, wrap-around mortgage etc |
Mortgage | mortgage_loan2_type | Type of lender- Example: Private party lender, wrap-around mortgage etc |
Mortgage | mortgage_lender_code | Code of first lender |
Mortgage | mortgage_loan2_lender_code | Code of second lender |
Mortgage | mortgage_lender | Mortgage Lender of first loan |
Mortgage | mortgage_loan2_lender | Mortgage Lender of second loan |
Mortgage | mortgage_loan2_ratetype | Rate type of second loan: Adjustable or Fixed |
Mortgage | mortgage_rate | Rate of first mortgage |
Mortgage | mortgage_loan2_rate | Rate of second mortgage |
General | credit_rating | Credit rating of the individual |
Donor | donor | List of all types of donations made by the individual |
Investor | investor | List of all types of investments made by the individual |
Interests | interests | List of all interests of the individual |
Buyer | buyer | List of past purchases |
Hobby | hobby | Hobbies of the individual |
Phone | phone_number | Array of all phone numbers |
Phone | phone_sha1 | Array of phone number tagged in sha128 hashed format |
Phone | phone_sha2 | Array of phone number tagged in sha256 hashed format |
Phone | phone_md5 | Array of phone numbers tagged in md5 hashed format |
Phone | is_cellphone | Indicates if the device is a cellphone |
Phone | is_landline | Indicates if the device is a landline |
Phone | carrier | Name of the phone carrier |
Phone | phone_last_seen | The most current date when the device has been seen |
personal_email_address | Array of personal email ids tagged | |
personal_email_sha1 | Array of email ids tagged in sha128 hashed format | |
personal_email_sha2 | Array of email ids tagged in sha256 hashed format | |
personal_email_md5 | Array of email ids tagged in md5 hashed format | |
work_email_address | Array of work email ids tagged | |
work_email_sha1 | Array of email ids tagged in sha128 hashed format | |
work_email_sha2 | Array of email ids tagged in sha256 hashed format | |
work_email_md5 | Array of email ids tagged in md5 hashed format | |
Devices | maid | Array of Mobile Advertisement Id |
Devices | maid_sha1 | Array of Mobile Advertisement Id in sha128 format |
Devices | maid_sha2 | Array of Mobile Advertisement Id in sha256 format |
Devices | maid_md5 | Array of Mobile Advertisement Id in md5 format |
Devices | device_type | Mobile Advertisement ID type |
Work | employee_title | Job title of the individual |
Work | employee_level | Job level of the individual |
Work | employee_job_function | Job function of the individual |
Work | employee_department | Job department of the individual |
Work | skills | Skills of the individual |
Work | recent_job_change | Recent Job Change |
Work Experience | work_experience | Work experience of the individual |
Company | company_id | ID of the company |
Company | company_name | Name of the company the individual works for |
Company | company_description | Description of the company |
Company | technologies_used | Technologies used in the company |
Company | office_address | Office address of the individual |
Company | office_city | Office city of the individual |
Company | office_county | Office county of the individual |
Company | office_state | Office state of the individual |
Company | office_zip5 | Office zip of the individual |
Company | office_zip4 | Office zip4 of the individual |
Company | office_carrier_route | Office carrier route |
Company | office_latitude | Office latitude |
Company | office_longitude | Office longitude |
Company | office_cbsa_code | Office core based statistical area code |
Company | office_census_block_group | Office census block group |
Company | office_census_tract | Office census tract |
Company | office_county_code | Office county code |
Company | company_phone | Company phone |
Company | company_credit_score | Company Credit Score |
Company | company_csa_code | Company csa code |
Company | company_dpbc | Company delivery point bar code |
Company | company_franchiseflag | Company franchise flag |
Company | company_facebookurl | Company facebook URL |
Company | company_linkedinurl | Company LinkedIn URL |
Company | company_twitterurl | Company twitter URL |
Company | company_website | Company Website |
Company | company_fortune_rank | Company Fortune Rank |
Company | company_headquarters_branch | Indicates whether the company is a Branch, Subsidiary or HQ |
Company | company_home_business | Value indicates if the company is a home business |
Company | company_industry | Industry that the company works in |
Company | company_num_pcs_used | Number of PCs used in the company |
Company | company_num_employees | Number of employees in the company |
Company | company_msa | Company Metropolitan Statistical Area Code |
Company | company_msa_name | Company Metropolitan Statistical Area name |
Company | company_naics_code | Company NAICS code |
Company | company_naics_description | Company NAICS description |
Company | company_naics_code2 | Company NAICS code 2 |
Company | company_naics_description2 | Company NAICS description 2 |
Company | company_sic_code2 | Company SIC code 2 |
Company | company_sic_code2_description | Company SIC description 2 |
Company | company_sic_code4 | Company SIC code 4 |
Company | company_sic_code4_description | Company SIC description 4 |
Company | company_sic_code6 | Company SIC code 6 |
Company | company_sic_code6_description | Company SIC description 6 |
Company | company_sic_code8 | Company SIC code 8 |
Company | company_sic_code8_description | Company SIC description 8 |
Company | company_parent_company | Company Parent Company |
Company | company_parent_company_location | Company parent company location |
Company | company_subsidiary_company | Company subsidiary company |
Company | company_revenue_range | Revenue Range of the company |
Company | company_revenue | Company Revenue |
Company | company_sales_volume | Sales volume of the company |
Company | company_small_business | True - Small Business, False - Not a Small Business |
Company | company_stock_ticker | Stock Ticker of the Company |
Company | company_year_founded | Year in which the company was founded |
Company | company_minorityowned | Minority owned company - True/False |
Company | company_female_owned_or_operated | Female owned or operated company - True/False |
Company | company_franchise_code | Company Franchise Code |
Company | company_dma | Company Designated Market Area Code |
Company | company_dma_name | Company Designated Market Area Name |
Company | company_hq_address | Company HQ Address |
Company | company_hq_city | Company HQ City |
Company | company_hq_duns | Company HQ DUNS |
Company | company_hq_state | Company HQ State |
Company | company_hq_zip5 | Company ZIP code |
Company | company_hq_zip4 | Company ZIP+4 code |
Company | company_sector | Sector of the company |
Company | company_duns_number | Company DUNS number |
Company | company_government_type | Jurisdiction in which the company belongs: Example: Municipal, Federal, State etc |
Company | company_public_private | Indicates whether a company is a public or private |
Social | linkedin_url | LinkedIn URL |
Social | facebook_url | Facebook URL |
Social | twitter_url | Twitter URL |
Updated 6 months ago