Output Response

Response Data Structure

The response from the personal data will be provided in the following format

CategoryAttribute NameDescription
Factoriperson_idFactori assigned Person ID of the individual
Generalfirst_nameFirst Name
GeneralgenderGender Code: M - Male, F - Female
GeneralageAge of the individual
Date of BirthyearYear of birth - YYYY
Date of BirthmonthMonth of birth - MM
Date of BirthdayDay of birth - DD
Addressfull_addressFull Address (including House Number, Directional, Street Name, etc.)
AddresscityCity Name
AddressstateState Abbreviation: AL, FL, IL, NY, etc.
AddresszipZip Code: Five digit numbers only, e.g. 60614
Addresszip4A ZIP+4 Code uses the basic five-digit code plus four additional digits to identify a geographic segment within the five-digit delivery area
Addressdelivery_point_bar_codeThe delivery point barcode, or DPBC, is a line of short and tall bars that helps identify a mailing's exact destination.
Addresscarrier_routeA carrier route is a group of mailing addresses within a 5-digit ZIP code that the USPS groups together to make the mail delivery process more efficient.
Addresswalk_sequence_codeIndicates whether a walk sequence code exists or not
Addressfips_state_codeFederal Information Processing System (FIPS) Codes for State
Addressfips_county_codeFederal Information Processing System (FIPS) Codes for County
Addresscounty_nameCounty Name
Addressaddress_typeAddress type determines if it is a highrise, business complex, firm or company etc
Addressmetropolitan_statistical_areaA geographic entity based on a county or a group of counties with at least one urbanized area with a population of at least 50,000
Addresscore_based_statistical_areaCore-based statistical area (CBSA) is a geographic region of the U.S., as defined by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB)
Addresscensus_tractCensus Tracts are small, relatively permanent statistical subdivisions of a county
Addresscensus_blockA census block is the smallest geographic unit used by the United States Census Bureau for tabulation
Addresscensus_block_groupA Census Block Group is a geographical unit used by the United States Census Bureau which is between the Census Tract and the Census Block
Addressprimary_addressPrimary Address
Addresspre_addressPre Address
AddressstreetStreet Name or PO Box name, or RR # Box name, or HC # Box name
Addresspost_addressPost Address
Addressaddress_suffixAddress Suffix
Addressaddress_secondlineAddress Second Line
Addressaddress_abrevAddress Abbreviation
Propertycensus_median_home_valueCensus median household value
Propertyhome_market_valueHome Market Value
Propertyproperty_build_yearProperty build year
Propertyproperty_with_acProperty with AC
Propertyproperty_with_poolProperty with Pool
Propertyproperty_with_sewerProperty with Sewer
Propertyproperty_with_waterProperty with water
Propertygeneral_home_valueGeneral Home Value
Propertyproperty_fuel_typeProperty Fuel Type
Householdhousehold_idHousehold ID
Householdcensus_median_household_incomeCensus Median Household Income (in $)
Householdhousehold_sizeHousehold Size
Householdoccupation_home_officeOccupation Home or Office
Householddwell_typeDwell Type: Single Family Dwelling Unit, Large multi-family w/o apt number etc
Householdhousehold_incomeHousehold Income (in $)
Householdmarital_statusMarital Status
Householdlength_of_residenceLength of residence
Householdnumber_of_kidsNumber of Kids
Householdpre_school_kidsNumber of Pre School Kids
Householdsingle_parentSingle Parent
Householdworking_women_in_house_holdWorking women in household
HouseholdhomeownerHomeowner: Homeowner, Renter etc
HouseholdchildrenFor example: 0_2_Male indicates that there is a male child in between the ages of 0-2 years.
HouseholdadultsFor example: 75plus_Female indicates that there is an adult in the household above the age of 75.
HouseholdgenerationsNumber of generations in the household
Generalnet_worthNet worth of the individual
Educationeducation_levelEducation level of the individual. For example - Completed High School, Completed College etc
Educationeducation_historyHistory of education
GeneraloccupationOccupation of the individual
Generaloccupation_business_ownerOccupation Business Owner
Credit Informationcredit_linesNumber of lines of credit
Credit Informationcredit_card_userIndicates if the individual is a credit card user
Credit Informationnewly_issued_credit_card_userIndicates if the individual has been issues a new credit card
Credit Informationcredit_range_newIndicates the new credit range of the individual
Credit Informationcredit_cardsContains a list types of credit card held by the individual: for example - amex_premium_credit_card_holder, mastercard_premium_credit_card_holder
Mortgageloan_to_valueProperty Loan to Value Ratio
Mortgagemortgage_loan2_amountLoan amount on second mortgage on the house
Mortgageloan_dateDate on which loan was taken
Mortgagemortgage_loan_typeType of lender- Example: Private party lender, wrap-around mortgage etc
Mortgagemortgage_loan2_typeType of lender- Example: Private party lender, wrap-around mortgage etc
Mortgagemortgage_lender_codeCode of first lender
Mortgagemortgage_loan2_lender_codeCode of second lender
Mortgagemortgage_lenderMortgage Lender of first loan
Mortgagemortgage_loan2_lenderMortgage Lender of second loan
Mortgagemortgage_loan2_ratetypeRate type of second loan: Adjustable or Fixed
Mortgagemortgage_rateRate of first mortgage
Mortgagemortgage_loan2_rateRate of second mortgage
Generalcredit_ratingCredit rating of the individual
DonordonorList of all types of donations made by the individual
InvestorinvestorList of all types of investments made by the individual
InterestsinterestsList of all interests of the individual
BuyerbuyerList of past purchases
HobbyhobbyHobbies of the individual
Phonephone_numberArray of all phone numbers
Phonephone_sha1Array of phone number tagged in sha128 hashed format
Phonephone_sha2Array of phone number tagged in sha256 hashed format
Phonephone_md5Array of phone numbers tagged in md5 hashed format
Phoneis_cellphoneIndicates if the device is a cellphone
Phoneis_landlineIndicates if the device is a landline
PhonecarrierName of the phone carrier
Phonephone_last_seenThe most current date when the device has been seen
Emailpersonal_email_addressArray of personal email ids tagged
Emailpersonal_email_sha1Array of email ids tagged in sha128 hashed format
Emailpersonal_email_sha2Array of email ids tagged in sha256 hashed format
Emailpersonal_email_md5Array of email ids tagged in md5 hashed format
Emailwork_email_addressArray of work email ids tagged
Emailwork_email_sha1Array of email ids tagged in sha128 hashed format
Emailwork_email_sha2Array of email ids tagged in sha256 hashed format
Emailwork_email_md5Array of email ids tagged in md5 hashed format
DevicesmaidArray of Mobile Advertisement Id
Devicesmaid_sha1Array of Mobile Advertisement Id in sha128 format
Devicesmaid_sha2Array of Mobile Advertisement Id in sha256 format
Devicesmaid_md5Array of Mobile Advertisement Id in md5 format
Devicesdevice_typeMobile Advertisement ID type
Workemployee_titleJob title of the individual
Workemployee_levelJob level of the individual
Workemployee_job_functionJob function of the individual
Workemployee_departmentJob department of the individual
WorkskillsSkills of the individual
Workrecent_job_changeRecent Job Change
Work Experiencework_experienceWork experience of the individual
Companycompany_idID of the company
Companycompany_nameName of the company the individual works for
Companycompany_descriptionDescription of the company
Companytechnologies_usedTechnologies used in the company
Companyoffice_addressOffice address of the individual
Companyoffice_cityOffice city of the individual
Companyoffice_countyOffice county of the individual
Companyoffice_stateOffice state of the individual
Companyoffice_zip5Office zip of the individual
Companyoffice_zip4Office zip4 of the individual
Companyoffice_carrier_routeOffice carrier route
Companyoffice_latitudeOffice latitude
Companyoffice_longitudeOffice longitude
Companyoffice_cbsa_codeOffice core based statistical area code
Companyoffice_census_block_groupOffice census block group
Companyoffice_census_tractOffice census tract
Companyoffice_county_codeOffice county code
Companycompany_phoneCompany phone
Companycompany_credit_scoreCompany Credit Score
Companycompany_csa_codeCompany csa code
Companycompany_dpbcCompany delivery point bar code
Companycompany_franchiseflagCompany franchise flag
Companycompany_facebookurlCompany facebook URL
Companycompany_linkedinurlCompany LinkedIn URL
Companycompany_twitterurlCompany twitter URL
Companycompany_websiteCompany Website
Companycompany_fortune_rankCompany Fortune Rank
Companycompany_headquarters_branchIndicates whether the company is a Branch, Subsidiary or HQ
Companycompany_home_businessValue indicates if the company is a home business
Companycompany_industryIndustry that the company works in
Companycompany_num_pcs_usedNumber of PCs used in the company
Companycompany_num_employeesNumber of employees in the company
Companycompany_msaCompany Metropolitan Statistical Area Code
Companycompany_msa_nameCompany Metropolitan Statistical Area name
Companycompany_naics_codeCompany NAICS code
Companycompany_naics_descriptionCompany NAICS description
Companycompany_naics_code2Company NAICS code 2
Companycompany_naics_description2Company NAICS description 2
Companycompany_sic_code2Company SIC code 2
Companycompany_sic_code2_descriptionCompany SIC description 2
Companycompany_sic_code4Company SIC code 4
Companycompany_sic_code4_descriptionCompany SIC description 4
Companycompany_sic_code6Company SIC code 6
Companycompany_sic_code6_descriptionCompany SIC description 6
Companycompany_sic_code8Company SIC code 8
Companycompany_sic_code8_descriptionCompany SIC description 8
Companycompany_parent_companyCompany Parent Company
Companycompany_parent_company_locationCompany parent company location
Companycompany_subsidiary_companyCompany subsidiary company
Companycompany_revenue_rangeRevenue Range of the company
Companycompany_revenueCompany Revenue
Companycompany_sales_volumeSales volume of the company
Companycompany_small_businessTrue - Small Business, False - Not a Small Business
Companycompany_stock_tickerStock Ticker of the Company
Companycompany_year_foundedYear in which the company was founded
Companycompany_minorityownedMinority owned company - True/False
Companycompany_female_owned_or_operatedFemale owned or operated company - True/False
Companycompany_franchise_codeCompany Franchise Code
Companycompany_dmaCompany Designated Market Area Code
Companycompany_dma_nameCompany Designated Market Area Name
Companycompany_hq_addressCompany HQ Address
Companycompany_hq_cityCompany HQ City
Companycompany_hq_dunsCompany HQ DUNS
Companycompany_hq_stateCompany HQ State
Companycompany_hq_zip5Company ZIP code
Companycompany_hq_zip4Company ZIP+4 code
Companycompany_sectorSector of the company
Companycompany_duns_numberCompany DUNS number
Companycompany_government_typeJurisdiction in which the company belongs: Example: Municipal, Federal, State etc
Companycompany_public_privateIndicates whether a company is a public or private
Sociallinkedin_urlLinkedIn URL
Socialfacebook_urlFacebook URL
Socialtwitter_urlTwitter URL