Mobility Data

We provide high-quality persistent mobility data from our partnered mobile apps & SDKs and this data feed is aggregated from multiple data sources globally and is delivered as a daily feed to an S3 bucket of your choice. All data is collected and anonymized with clear consent and terms of usage.

What is Mobility Data?

Mobility/Location data is gathered from location-aware mobile apps using an SDK-based implementation. All users explicitly consent to allow location data sharing using a clear opt-in process for our use cases and are given clear opt-out options. Factori ingests, clean, validates and exports all location data signals to ensure only the highest quality of data is made available for analysis.

Record Count: 90 Billion
Capturing Frequency: Once per Event
Delivering Frequency: Once per Day
Updated: Daily

Mobility Data Reach

Our data reach represents the total number of counts available within various categories and comprises attributes such as country location, MAU, DAU & Monthly Location Pings

Data Export Methodology

Since we collect data dynamically, we provide the most updated data and insights via a best-suited interval (daily/weekly/monthly/quarterly).

Business Needs

Consumer Insight

Gain a comprehensive 360-degree perspective of the customer to spot behavioral changes, analyze trends and predict business outcomes.

Market Intelligence

Study various market areas, proximity of points or interests and the competitive landscape.


Create campaigns and customize your messaging depending on your target audience's online and offline activity.

Retail Analytics

Analyze footfall trends in various locations and gain understanding of customer personas.


Attribute NameAttribute DescriptionSample
maidHashed Mobile Advertising ID of the device758a80ed-98ba-41ac-804b-e498775c6bdb
latitudeThe WGS84 latitude of the device32.9830903
longitudeThe WGS84 longitude of the device130.4521135
horizontal_accuracyAccuracy of horizontal GPS coordinates (in meters)54.2
timestampTimestamp of the event epoch (seconds) in UTC1601378119
id_typeOperating system advertising ID type [0 = IDFA , 1 = GAID]1
ipv4IP address v4119.47.183.113
ipv6IP address v6FE80::F8B4:1AFF:FEA4:DE07
user_agentDevice user agent (String of data from a user's device that represents data points like OS, browser, carrier, and hardware)Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 10; SH-02M Build/S5488; wv) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/85.0.4183.127 Mobile Safari/537.36
countryPing or event origin countryJPN
state_hascState - Hierarchical administrative subdivision codes (HASC). These are codes to represent names of country subdivisions, such as states, provinces, regions.JP.AO
city_hascCity - Hierarchical administrative subdivision codes (HASC). These are codes to represent names of country subdivisions, such as states, provinces, regions.JP.AO.AM
postcodePostcode of where Device ID is seen864
geohashLocation resolved to a granularity of geohash7wvug8s2k
hex8H3 hex 8 code of the location event. H3 is a hexagonal hierarchical geospatial indexing system. Average Hexagon Area (km2) for Hex 8 is 0.7373276884b669933fffff
hex9H3 hex 9 code of the location event. H3 is a hexagonal hierarchical geospatial indexing system. Average Hexagon Area (km2) for for Hex 9 is 0.1053325894b6699327ffff
carrierCarrier of deviceVodafone

Reach Statistics