Input Parameters
API Fields
The following are the list of attributes that can used to filter the Persons data
- persons_attributes in Factori APIs help you provide filters based on which you will be receiving data of individuals
- output_fields in Factori APIs help you receive only those attributes that are useful to you instead of receiving all attributes in the response. For example, "output_fields": ["first_name", "company_name"] means to say that if a record matches a given criteria return only the first name and the company name
- must_contain in Factori APIs help you in fetching a specific record if and only if a value exists for that key. For example, "must_contain": ["phone_numbers", "emails"] means to say that the API needs to fetch a record only if the record contains values for phone numbers and emails
- must_not_contain in Factori APIs help you exclude any Persons based on some criteria. In the below example the API response will exclude any Person with a
"person_id": "123"
"must_not_contain": {
"person_id": ["123"]
- maximum_record_limit in Factori APIs help you in specifying the number of credits you would like to utilise in a given request. In case the maximum_record_limit is not utilised then you will be returned 100 records by default.
- page_no in Factori APIs will help you navigate the response using pagination
- All emails in our end are lowercase and empty spaces are trimmed before hashing.
- All phone numbers in our end have their extensions trimmed and don't have any hyphen (-) . Also empty spaces are trimmed before hashing. Our inputs accept phone numbers without extensions, spaces and hyphens.
- All maids in our end are lowercase and empty spaces are trimmed before hashing.
- Factori APIs accept
in the standard format specified by the USPS. - Any
mentioned in the address should be as present in - - Factori APIs accept only abbreviations for States as mentioned in -
- Factori APIs accept "M" for male and "F" for female as values for gender
- Factori APIs follow standard SIC codes as mentioned in
- Factori APIs follow standard NAICS codes as mentioned in
- net_worth field in Factori APIs accept the following ranges for filtering based on an individual's net worth
Sl no | Net Worth |
1. | "Less_than_$1" |
2. | "$1_$4999" |
3. | "$5000_$9999" |
4. | "$10000_$24999" |
5 | "$25000_$49999" |
6 | "$50000_$99999" |
7 | "$100000_$249999" |
8 | "$250000_$499999" |
9 | "Greater_than_$499999" |
- household_income field in Factori APIs accept the following ranges
Sl no | Household income |
1 | "Under_$10000" |
2 | "$10000_$14999" |
3 | "$15000_$19999" |
4 | "$20000_$24999" |
5 | "$25000_$29999" |
6 | "$30000_$34999" |
7 | "$35000_$39999" |
8 | "$40000_$44999" |
9 | "$45000_$49999" |
10 | "$50000_$54999" |
11 | "$55000_$59999" |
12 | "$60000_$64999" |
13 | "$65000_$74999" |
14 | "$75000_$99999" |
15 | "$100000_$149999" |
16 | "$150000_$174999" |
17 | "$175000_$199999" |
18 | "$200000_$249999") |
19 | "$250000_Above" |
Here is the list of state abbreviations and their expansions:
Abbreviation | State |
AL | Alabama |
AK | Alaska |
AZ | Arizona |
AR | Arkansas |
CA | California |
CO | Colorado |
CT | Connecticut |
DE | Delaware |
DC | District of Columbia |
FL | Florida |
GA | Georgia |
HI | Hawaii |
ID | Idaho |
IL | Illinois |
IN | Indiana |
IA | Iowa |
KS | Kansas |
KY | Kentucky |
LA | Louisiana |
ME | Maine |
MD | Maryland |
MA | Massachusetts |
MI | Michigan |
MN | Minnesota |
MS | Mississippi |
MO | Missouri |
MT | Montana |
NE | Nebraska |
NV | Nevada |
NH | New Hampshire |
NJ | New Jersey |
NM | New Mexico |
NY | New York |
NC | North Carolina |
ND | North Dakota |
OH | Ohio |
OK | Oklahoma |
OR | Oregon |
PA | Pennsylvania |
PR | Puerto Rico |
RI | Rhode Island |
SC | South Carolina |
SD | South Dakota |
TN | Tennessee |
TX | Texas |
UT | Utah |
VT | Vermont |
VA | Virginia |
VI | U.S. Virgin Islands |
WA | Washington |
WV | West Virginia |
WI | Wisconsin |
WY | Wyoming |
Here is the table showing different credit rating range
Sl. No | Credit Rating Range |
1 | Above 800 |
2 | 750 - 799 |
3 | 700 - 749 |
4 | 650 - 699 |
5 | 600 - 649 |
6 | 550 - 599 |
7 | 500 - 549 |
8 | Below 499 |
Here is the table showing how employee level are represented:
Sl. No | Employee Level |
2 | C_LEVEL |
4 | VP_LEVEL |
6 | STAFF |
Here is the table with the serial number and address directions:
Sl. No | Address Direction |
1 | E |
2 | N |
3 | NE |
4 | NW |
5 | S |
6 | SE |
7 | SW |
8 | W |
1. Enrich
The Enrich API is built to help you enrich your existing data with attributes that provide you with a complete graph of your customers. The general practice is to use the Search API to filter records and then use the Enrich API to enrich only those relevant records
The Enrich API response gives you access to all available attributes mentioned on the page above.
2. Verify
In an increasingly digital world, the incidence of digital fraud is on the rise. Malicious individuals are continuously seeking fresh methods to engage in fraudulent activities, including the creation of synthetic identities, identity theft, and taking over user accounts. Companies are faced with the challenge of maintaining a seamless customer onboarding experience while simultaneously working to reduce fraud and safeguard their platforms.
The API can accept a wide variety of inputs to verify an individual, such as:
- Phone
- An example of a Enrich Request
curl --location '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <Token>' \
--data '{
"persons_attributes": {
"city": "los angeles",
"state": "ca",
"net_worth": "$50000_$99999"
"must_contain": [
"must_not_contain": {
"person_id": ["123"]
"output_fields": [
"maximum_record_limit": 1000,
"page_no": 2
Fields to search Person Data
Category | Attribute Name | Description |
Factori | person_id | Factori assigned Person ID of the individual |
General | first_name | First Name |
General | last_name | Surname |
General | gender | Gender Code: M - Male, F - Female |
General | age | Age of the individual |
Year of Birth | year | Year of birth - YYYY |
Address | full_address | Full Address (including House Number, Directional, Street Name, etc.) |
Address | city | City Name |
Address | state | State Abbreviation: AL, FL, IL, NY, etc. |
Address | zip | Zip Code: Five digit numbers only, e.g. 60614 |
Address | census_tract | Census Tracts are small, relatively permanent statistical subdivisions of a county |
Address | census_block | A census block is the smallest geographic unit used by the United States Census Bureau for tabulation |
Address | pre_address | Pre Address |
Address | street | Street Name or PO Box name, or RR # Box name, or HC # Box name |
Address | post_address | Post Address |
Address | address_suffix | Address Suffix |
Household | household_id | Household ID |
Household | household_income | Household Income (in $) |
General | net_worth | Net worth of the individual |
General | credit_rating | Credit rating of the individual |
Phone | phone_number | Array of all phone numbers |
Phone | phone_sha1 | Array of phone number tagged in sha128 hashed format |
Phone | phone_sha2 | Array of phone number tagged in sha256 hashed format |
Phone | phone_md5 | Array of phone numbers tagged in md5 hashed format |
personal_email_address | Array of personal email ids tagged | |
personal_email_sha1 | Array of email ids tagged in sha128 hashed format | |
personal_email_sha2 | Array of email ids tagged in sha256 hashed format | |
personal_email_md5 | Array of email ids tagged in md5 hashed format | |
work_email_address | Array of work email ids tagged | |
work_email_sha1 | Array of email ids tagged in sha128 hashed format | |
work_email_sha2 | Array of email ids tagged in sha256 hashed format | |
work_email_md5 | Array of email ids tagged in md5 hashed format | |
Devices | maid | Array of Mobile Advertisement Id |
Devices | maid_sha1 | Array of Mobile Advertisement Id in sha128 format |
Devices | maid_sha2 | Array of Mobile Advertisement Id in sha256 format |
Devices | maid_md5 | Array of Mobile Advertisement Id in md5 format |
Work | employee_title | Job title of the individual |
Work | employee_level | Job level of the individual |
Work | employee_job_function | Job function of the individual |
Work | employee_department | Job department of the individual |
Company | company_id | ID of the company |
Company | company_name | Name of the company the individual works for |
Company | company_city | City where the company is located in |
Company | company_state | State where the company is located in |
Company | company_naics_code | Company NAICS code |
Company | company_sic_code | Company SIC code |
Social | linkedin_url | LinkedIn URL |
Social | facebook_url | Facebook URL |
Social | twitter_url | Twitter URL |
Updated 16 days ago