Person Data - Old

Factori houses an extensive dataset of US Person data, providing valuable insights into individuals across various demographic and behavioral dimensions. Our US Person Data section is dedicated to helping you understand the breadth and depth of the information available through our API.

Unlocking Insights and Opportunities

With our API, you can access and utilize subsets of our comprehensive person dataset, empowering you to gain actionable intelligence, make data-driven decisions, and build innovative products and services. Whether you're a marketer, data scientist, or business analyst, our US Person Data can unlock new opportunities for your organization.

Exploring US Person Data

In this section of the documentation, we'll dive into the specifics of our US Person Data, including the types of data points we capture, the level of granularity available, and any additional attributes that can enhance your analysis. We'll also guide you on how to query and retrieve the desired data subsets using our API endpoints.

Comprehensive Person Data

Our US Person database is a comprehensive data enrichment solution designed to fill the gaps in your customer data and provide deeper insights into your consumers. We cover over 300 million profiles with over 40 variables based on location, demographics, lifestyle, hobbies, and behaviors.

Data Collection and Aggregation

Our Person data is gathered and aggregated through surveys, digital services, and public data sources. We use powerful profiling algorithms to collect and ingest only fresh and reliable data points. This ensures that the data you access is up-to-date and accurate.

Factori Data

Our comprehensive data enrichment solution includes a wide range of data attributes that can help you address gaps in your customer data, gain a deeper understanding of your customers, and power superior client experiences. Here are some of the data categories and attributes we offer within US Person Graph:

  1. Geography: City, State, ZIP, County, CBSA, Census Tract, etc.
  2. Demographics: Gender, Age Group, Marital Status, Language, etc.
  3. Financial: Income Range, Credit Rating Range, Credit Type, Net Worth Range, etc.
  4. Persona: Consumer type, Communication preferences, Family type, etc.
  5. Interests: Content, Brands, Shopping, Hobbies, Lifestyle, etc.
  6. Household: Number of Children, Number of Adults, IP Address, etc.
  7. Behaviors: Brand Affinity, App Usage, Web Browsing, etc.
  8. Firmographics: Industry, Company, Occupation, Revenue, etc.
  9. Retail Purchase: Store, Category, Brand, SKU, Quantity, Price, etc.
  10. Auto: Car Make, Model, Type, Year, etc.
  11. Housing: Home type, Home value, Renter/Owner, Year Built, etc.

Data Reach

Consumer ID364,645,621
Phone Number184,699,229
Email ID217,218,913
Email Business75,571,628
Social Profiles113,953,018

Data Attributes Within Person API

Attribute NameDescription
factori_idFactori ID of the individual
first_nameFirst Name
genderGender Code: M - Male, F - Female
ageAge of the individual
dob_yearYear of birth - YYYY
dob_monthMonth of birth - MM
dob_dayDay of birth - DD
addressFull Address (including House Number, Directional, Street Name, etc.)
streetStreet Name or PO Box name, or RR # Box name, or HC # Box name
cityCity Name
stateState Abbreviation: AL, FL, IL, NY, etc.
countryCountry: USA only
zipZip Code: Five digit numbers only, e.g. 60614
census_tractCensus Tract
census_blockCensus Block
phone_numberArray of all phone numbers
phone_sha1Array of phone number tagged in sha128 hashed format
phone_sha2Array of phone number tagged in sha256 hashed format
phone_md5Array of phone numbers tagged in md5 hashed format
emailArray of email ids tagged
email_sha1Array of email ids tagged in sha128 hashed format
email_sha2Array of email ids tagged in sha256 hashed format
email_md5Array of email ids tagged in md5 hashed format
emailtypeBusiness (B) or Personal (P) Email
maidArray of Mobile Advertisement Id
maid_sha1Array of Mobile Advertisement Id in sha128 format
maid_sha2Array of Mobile Advertisement Id in sha128 format
maid_md5Array of Mobile Advertisement Id in sha128 format
device_typeMobile Advertisement ID type
household_idHousehold ID of the individual
household_incomeHousehold income of the individual
net_worthNetworth of the individual
education_levelEducation level of the individual
company_nameName of the company the individual works for
job_titleJob title of the individual
job_levelJob level of the individual
job_functionjob function of the individual
work_emailsWork emails of the individual
company_phonesPhone numbers of the company
company_addressAddress of the company
company_cityCity where the company is located in
company_stateState where the company is located in
company_postalPostal code of the company
company_sicSIC code of the company
company_naicsNAICS code of the company
company_primary_industryPrimary industry of the company
recent_job_changeDid the individual change jobs recently.
linkedin_urlLinkedIn URL
facebook_urlFacebook URL